June 2021

A Message from Kara and Erica
Honoring the legacy of Jaques d'Amboise​
The ArtSparks family felt a deep loss this May. Jacques d’Amboise, Founder of the National Dance Institute, passed away on May 2nd. ArtSparks is honored every day to carry on Jacques’ legacy of inspiring EVERY child to discover and celebrate their potential; of giving them the absolute best of the arts and education; nurturing curiosity; and approaching everything with unconditional love.
ArtSparks is one of twelve Associates of the National Dance Institute across the nation who are uniquely equipped to deliver Jacques’ incredible methodology for engaging and inspiring ALL children through the arts, and his commitment that every child should have access to the rich experiences the arts bring to every human being. Jacques lives on in every child we serve….without Jacques the daily transformation we see in our own community would not be possible.
We love you, Jacques!
To learn more about Jacques and the National Dance Institute please visit: https://nationaldance.org/
Kara and Erica
Mr. Simon Says

Curtain Up
on TNT/XD!!!
Disparate Youth
Performers: Team TNT and the ArtSparks interns
Choreography: Alice Duey
Music: Disparate Youth by Sanitgold, arranged by Simon Hunt
Musicians: Alice Duey and Simon Hunt
Filmed at Sand Run Metro Park, June 12, 2021
This piece is dedicated to the essential healthcare heroes and heroines who have taken care of us all through the pandemic.
Performers: Team XD
Choreography: Erica Piper
Music: Heal the World by Michael Jackson, arranged by Simon Hunt
Musicians: Emilia Neri and Simon Hunt
Filmed at Sand Run Metro Park, June 12, 2021
Our TNT/XD dancers have embodied the spirit of persistence and resilience this past year. From a year of learning and performing on Zoom, to a culminating outdoor film project, our team has stood by each other through one of the most challenging years and continues to commit themselves to the art of dance.
Please enjoy these special video pieces that capture the spirit of persistence and resilience that resides in all of hearts.

The Spark that Caught Fire:
Summer Pop-Up Initiative
They have been recurring themes this year - problem-solving and resilience. How can we bring live dance classes back to our recovering community? Can we brainstorm and persist through the challenges that we still face in light of the pandemic?
The answer has been an explosion of dance, music, and joy across Summit County!
Where in Summit County is ArtSparks?, a free outdoor class series is off to a blazing start! The ArtSparks team “pops up” to teach engaging dance classes in various locations across Akron and Cuyahoga Falls. It has already been a joy to explore the community, discover individual excellence, take journeys through dance and music, and enjoy the fresh air and exercise together! Grab your map, and follow us along for the ride!
To register for classes or learn more please visit our landing page for the event: https://www.artsparksdance.org/where-in-summit-county-is-artsparks

Staff Highlight:
We're READY!!
After a year and a half of teaching from Zoom boxes, the ArtSparks staff is joyfully leaping back into in-person classes….and they can’t wait to tell you what they’re ready for!!
Support ArtSparks today!
You can play a key role in fostering creativity and self-confidence as children experience the Arts in new and profound ways.
You’ll encourage children to develop a belief in themselves that impacts all aspects of their lives.
Your generosity provides access to high-quality dance programming along with the ArtSparks commitment to fostering the understanding of dance as an art form while challenging students of all ages and abilities to discover new heights of individual excellence.
Thank you!